School has ended!! With the school year ending, the art program that I ran ends as well. It will not be returning next year. The division decided they didn't have the funds for it next year (at least that's how I understand they came to that decision). The art program had only a short run- I started only in February as the division's only full-fledged art teacher, teaching art to Senior High students in three different schools. I loved the job, but really disliked all the travel involved-I wasn't willing to move closer to any of the schools for only a 5 month position, and having already lived in Ashern, Manitoba for a 10 week term I have decided that at this point in my life, rural living is not for me. With that in mind I decided that I would rather drive for long periods every day. My shortest drive was 50 minutes, and my longest about an hour and 40 minutes (but thankfully the longest drive only happened twice a month). As well what I disliked was packing and unpacking the supplies every few days (or even every period) since I shared many classrooms between all the schools. I am sad for the students of Lakeshore, especially those who really love and flourish at art. There are a few students who loved art and really recognized that the pull-out art program was unique from the rest of their education, because they would occasionally thank me at the end of the day for coming (I love those moments!).
For me at least, I am moving on to greener pastures. I am starting at a new school in the fall, and am very excited to actually have my own art room! Also my new school is about an hour closer to home. I visited the school and met with the art teacher who just retired and am so stoked to actually teach an already established art program in a room that is actually well stocked! I could go on and on just about the room itself and the things that make me happy about it, but I will list just a few items that make me excited for teaching in the fall:
A Kiln!
A potters wheel!
Exacto knives!
Silk Screen Machine! (Which I need to learn how to use...)
Wall to Wall windows!
Books and resources!
For my summer reading and planning I took home a huge stack of binders and books to help me plan out the courses, one of which is pictured above. Titled "Engaging the Adolescent Mind Through Visual Problem Solving," it was written by Ken Vieth. I have only just flipped through it, but it appeals to me because it has great colour photos, and I feel like it's been a while since I've actually been excited to read a book about education(sorry to say, but most of the assigned readings during my education degree didn't hold that much interest for me.)
Here is an amazon link to it:
I'll have to let you know my opinion of it once I finally get the chance to read it more thoroughly.
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